High Speed Sync and Graduation!

CourtneyGrad-blog-4928So my wonderful girlfriend Courtney graduated from College a couple of weeks ago.  It was a long hard journey for her, and having a photographer boyfriend, she knew that I would be there with my camera being all “creepy” (she calls it)  and such.  After arriving at the arena super early to get as close as I could to the stage, I was in a position to get a clear shot of her as she received her dimploma and shook hands with the college chancellor.  I had my camera mounted on a tripod, along with a 580EX with an external battery pack.  After getting a feel for the ambient light (very crappy sports type lighting), I threw the camera in aperture priority mode and pretty much let the flash do all the work.  I was using a 70-200mm lens zoomed all the way out.  The flash carried itself nicely all the way out to 200mm.  The only other thing I did was dial in some -EV for the background, but besides that I got my one shot that I had hoped for.

Canon EOS40D with EF70-200 f2.8LIS  Exposure:  1/200 F4.5
Canon EOS40D with EF70-200 f2.8LIS Exposure: 1/200 F4.5 ISO 800

After the ceremony was finished it was time to snap a couple of quick photos with family outside.  The sun was high in the sky, and there were people everywhere.  There was no where to really retreat where there was a nice looking background.  My quick solution was to throw the camera into f2.8, crop in tight, and make use of that special high speed sync feature on the 580ex.  I don’t regularly use this feature, but in this instance the camera was giving me a 1/800 shutter speed.  The high speed sync worked excellent, acting simply as a fill flash.  Not my idea of a perfect photo by any means, but certainly better than an average snapshot, especially in a quick and crowded situation.


One Response to “High Speed Sync and Graduation!”

  1. I find it hard to shoot in those settings too. The lighting in auditoriums are awful yellow usually.

    Nice shot. Congrats to your girlfriend.


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