Archive for Music

“Rebecca Dore” on YOU TUBE!

Posted in Music with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 24, 2009 by craigproulx

Not sure who put this up, but it was cool to see a short little clip from the St. Matty’s Day party!  While you can’t really see me, you get a rough idea of how the electronic drums mixed with the guitar and vocals.  It might not sound the best, but it sounds better than if I had just gone in with unmiked drums!  The little stick clicks you here near the end is the unfortunate result of having a 2 zone snare drum pad.  Normally those clicks would be played on the rim of a real snare drum, however in this case it was just a little 8″ pad, making it tough to go a whole song without hitting it.

Here are some more images from the day courtesey of Laurie Mcdonaugh who is one kick ass photographer!  If you need the best wedding or event photographer in the New England region please give her a shout.  You can visit her website at:


Rebecca Dore.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Rebecca Dore. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.



Craig Proulx.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Craig Proulx. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.



Rebecca Dore.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Rebecca Dore. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.


Rebecca Dore.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Rebecca Dore. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

“Rebecca Dore” First Public Performance!

Posted in Music with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2009 by craigproulx
The photographer on the other side of the camera for a change!

The photographer on the other side of the camera for a change! Photo Courtesy of Courtney Shaw


This weekend was one hell of a good time!  It was both nerve racking and exciting at the same time.  Every year there is an annual music festival held in a few towns over from me, where 300 or so friends from all over gather to BBQ, listen to music, party, and camp out.  For 5 consecutive years I have had the pleasure of performing in 2 different groups, and this year marked the birth of a new and exciting project.  I was performing with singer, songwriter, and friend Rebecca Dore.  Becky and I used to be in a group called “Aces Ashes” and first met several years ago.  We have played countless event together and even spent an entire year in the studio recording a full length album.  Unfortunately, the project was ended last spring due to differences in opinion.  I, decided I wanted to take some time off, as I had been playing shows and recording steadily for several years.  The break allowed me to focus on my other passion: photography!  For this event, the camera had to stay home as I had my hands full setting up gear. sound checking, and rocking out!  It has been over a year since I have performed in front of people.  I must say I have played in front of decent crowds before, but in doesn’t take long to get the butterflies back.  Having a handful of musicians in the audience, some who I have played with before also added to the anxiety.  They all know what your capable of and you certainly don’t want to let them down!  For any drummers out there, the gig also was an experiment for me, as I decided to use a hybrid drumkit consisting of electronic triggers and real cymbals!  With the current project consisting of just Becky and I right now, I needed a way to careful monitor and control the mix from the stage.  Becky uses an acoustic guitar and has a really powerful, beautiful voice, and I didn’t want the competition of an overbearing drummer to overpower her.  Outside festivals has always been tricky for me.  Having a monitor next to me is critical.  By running the kit direct, I can just dial in how much drums I want coming though right from the little module mounted next to me.  So how did it go you ask?  Well, every musician is very critical about there performance.  It’s pretty funny, because we all tear ourselves apart as we exit the stage.  When you approach the next act as they leave the stage it’s the same “Oh, man that was rough!”  Overall, we got a lot of great compliments though.  People seemed to really embrace the music, even though it was a little more laid back then the other acts that followed.  Did we make some mistakes? Yes.  Was it fun and great to be playing again? Yes.  There is more pressure this time around I think because the focus is on just 2 people rather than 4 or 5.  That’s OK though.  We are gearing up for another live performance next week at a graduation party, followed by an appearance at a “Best Buy” store.  All I can say is:  “It’s great to be back!”

Rebecca Dore     Photo Courtesy of Courtney Shaw

Rebecca Dore Photo Courtesy of Courtney Shaw