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Off To Ossipee!

Posted in Personal, Photography with tags , , , , , , , , on August 11, 2009 by craigproulx

20090808-IMG_0887Friday, I decided to take a day off for a change and head up to our friends Kelley and Dave’s camp.  It was in north Ossipee.  Ossipee is part of the Lakes region of New Hampshire, a popular destination for summer vacations.  Their RV was located on a nice seasonal lot at Danforth Bay.  Danforth Bay has both RV’s and small cottages (they are actually fully furnished houses).  I have been traveling fairly lightly lately as far as camera gear goes when we travel.  Between shooting portraits, weddings, and working on the never ending commercial portfolio, the last thing I have been wanting to do is lug around a heavy DSLR and lens.  I have been lucky to find everything I need in the G10.  I can make simple snapshots into decent images with extreme ease.  I can shoot RAW when I want, and with the 14 megapixels, I know that if I have to crop in later, so be it!  Well, I promised myself and Courtney that I wouldn’t be shooting photos the entire weekend, so I stuck to toying around when she was enjoying a book on the porch.  I wanted to make some motion abstracts, which I haven’t had the oppurtunity to do in a while.  Just when I though my little compact would give me a hard time, it spit out exactly what I was looking for:


here’s another giving her a little twist:



Being the sucker for a good closeup, I couldn’t resist:





The next day we decided to drive up to North Conway, home to the outlets, and Cathedral Ledge, a popular rock climbing spot.  We took the lazy way up (car to the top), and were greated by a breath taking view. 



Looking over the edge gave me a little vertigo!  What was more impressive was seeing human beings climbing over the top of this shear verticle drop.  If I had to guess I would say that the drop was well over a hundred and fifty feet.



Not just one, but several climbers were beneath this guy.  What a big responsibility he has!  He tied off to the saftey fence post at the top and belayed the rest of the climbers that followed.



Finally, who could pass up this beautiful backdrop?  Portrait time!



Sights Of Hampton Beach

Posted in Personal with tags , , , , , , , , , on July 30, 2009 by craigproulx

I haven’t had much time lately to post, but I figured I would share some images from Courtney and I’s recent vacation at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire.  Hampton is a familiar place for me.  As a kid, my family would rent a summer cottage every year.  Though they don’t change much, the sights and sounds are always exciting!  It is a fairly busy place, with plenty of novelty shops, restaurants, and arcades.  I, usually get a bit restless after a few days, because I am not a huge beach person, and I don’t play video games.  The one thing I do appreciate is good food!  I am now back on my strict diet which I have been doing great at, but for the week I am at Hampton every year, it’s nothing but junk food for me.  Don’t hate me for not including any photos of fried dough though, I am not a fan.  These photos are all brought to you courtesy of my G10.  Such a handy little camera to take with you.  It does video too, but I haven’t really played with that yet.


The Hampton Strip is all about one way streets.  Can make for a pain when trying to park!

The Hampton Strip is all about one way streets. Can make for a pain when trying to park!


You know your at the beach when every little nook and cranny is filled with sand!

You know your at the beach when every little nook and cranny is filled with sand!


The view from my towel!

The view from my towel!


Steamed Clams!  Taken at Sea Catch Restaurant.  By far the best at Hampton!

Steamed Clams! Taken at Sea Catch Restaurant. By far the best at Hampton!


Couldn't resist a little sand/towel macro shot!

Couldn't resist a little sand/towel macro shot!


The famous "skee-ball".  This is the only game I play at the arcade.

The famous "skee-ball". This is the only game I play at the arcade.


Lobster Raviloi.  I have never seen it stripped like that.

Lobster Raviloi. I have never seen it stripped like that.


Courtney hit it big at the arcade!  We're almost there to getting that food processor they have there!

Courtney hit it big at the arcade! We're almost there to getting that food processor they have there!


1500 Tickets!!!  I never have that luck.  Jackpot!

1500 Tickets!!! I never have that luck. Jackpot!


This was the biggest portion of Chicken Parmesean I have ever seen!

This was the biggest portion of Chicken Parmesean I have ever seen!


I got this idea from one of my contacts Ashleigh.  I am sure she will comment.  Check out her blog!

I got this idea from one of my contacts Ashleigh. I am sure she will comment. Check out her blog!