Archive for video

“Rebecca Dore” on YOU TUBE!

Posted in Music with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 24, 2009 by craigproulx

Not sure who put this up, but it was cool to see a short little clip from the St. Matty’s Day party!  While you can’t really see me, you get a rough idea of how the electronic drums mixed with the guitar and vocals.  It might not sound the best, but it sounds better than if I had just gone in with unmiked drums!  The little stick clicks you here near the end is the unfortunate result of having a 2 zone snare drum pad.  Normally those clicks would be played on the rim of a real snare drum, however in this case it was just a little 8″ pad, making it tough to go a whole song without hitting it.

Here are some more images from the day courtesey of Laurie Mcdonaugh who is one kick ass photographer!  If you need the best wedding or event photographer in the New England region please give her a shout.  You can visit her website at:


Rebecca Dore.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Rebecca Dore. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.



Craig Proulx.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Craig Proulx. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.



Rebecca Dore.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Rebecca Dore. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.


Rebecca Dore.  Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.

Rebecca Dore. Photo by Laurie Mcdonough.